Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

My father wants me to find a good man and settle down.  I’m not even close to getting ready to do something as boring as that.  I am deep in the best years of my life.  Being single and doing whatever I want is the best thing.  I love my parents.  But I see how dull my mother is from being married with crotch fruit for so long.  I don’t want to become my mother any time soon.  I’d rather fuck my way through as many men as I want and can.  Old men, young studs, and everything in between.  If they have a dick and aren’t a faggot, then I want to ride them until we’re both screaming each other’s names.


They say life is a party.  That’s a saying I’ve taken to heart.  I don’t want to be tied down to any one person.  Romance and marriage are not for me.  Not now and maybe not ever.  I’d rather be partying it up.  I want to meet a different cock every night and enjoy the new experience that comes with it.  There’s no reason to adhere to monogamy.  Not for a hot, sexy, young woman like me.  Fuck them once and move on is my motto right now.

I’m so glad that I get to live in this era where women aren’t expected to stay home and pump out crotch goblins.  Maybe someday that will be something that might interest me.  But certainly not today or the next day.  That’s not something I even want to think about for years down the road.  Perhaps I’ll always be a love them and leave them type of woman.  Because strong powerful women like me only need guys for one thing.  Their big thick dicks to ride until I’m satisfied.  Even if they aren’t.

(844-332-2639) ext 216