Naughty Teen April 1-844-332-2639 ext 207

Santa tried taming me to make me more obedient for being Elf of the Day.  Obedient and April do not belong in same sentence most times though.  You have to be big strong hot sexy man for me to even think of being obedient.  Even then is not guarantee.  Making you work for my attention and body is very fun time for me.  You know is very fun time for you too.  But Santa thinks he can make me good girl who listens to men like him and you.

Santa Tried Taming Me

Santa came to me and told me that if I was going to be elf of the day, I had to spend time with him one on one.  He told me to have to learn my place as a good little teen girl who does everything sexy older men tell her.  I laugh so hard in his face.  Then tell him this is not how this works.  My body, my rules or no sex for you or anyone else.

Then I tell Santa to take of his smelly red suit and get on the bed.  I will show him who needs to learn his place.  Since I am one with cunt that everyone wants, I get to make rules.  If Santa wants to feel how tight my body feels on his dick, he does what I say.  Not the other way around.

Santa thought for a moment but took of his clothes and got on my bed.  Then I climbed up on the bed with him and showed him it is not always bad to be on naughty list.  Sometimes girls on naughty list have skills that girls on nice list do not have.  I showed him all the ways I know how to be my own type of good girl.  Santa left this naughty elf of the day’s room with big smile on his white bearded face.

Naughty Teen April

1-844-332-2639 ext 207