I woke up in a steel cage just big enough for me to sit up inside.  Feeling groggy and disoriented, I rubbed my eyes and tried to get my bearings.  It was cold and damp and that made me acutely aware of my nakedness.  I called out to see if anyone would reply and fill me in on what was going on here.  But I was only answered with quiet and the damp sounds of water dripping somewhere beyond my confinement cell.  I listened to the deafening silence for a few minutes before finally catching the clip clip clip of shoes stepping across the concrete floor of my imprisonment area.  I held my breath as she came into view.  A tall Amazonian-looking woman with a sadistic smile that grew bigger with each step she took toward me cowering in my crate.


My hands wrapped around the cold metal of my cage.  I asked her why I was here and what she was going to do to me.  She told me she’d rather show me than just tell me.  After threatening me with physical punishment if I wasn’t a good girl, she opened the door to my cell and clipped a leash to the collar I realized was around my neck.  Then she led me out and forced me to crawl beside her as she guided me to another room where I could hear growling and unintelligible noises.

As we got deeper into the room and more into the light, I saw a circle of cages with men in them.  Wild-looking men who clawed at the bars of their prisons.  She told me that she had kept them caged both their bodies and their cocks for two months.  Taking them out only to feed them, exercise them, and edge them.  She assured me that they were ravenous with sexual need and now it was time to reward them for their service and sacrifice.  Proudly she announced that I was to be their prey, but not to worry, I’d get a head start.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
