Rejection to Feminization Phone Sex! Part Two

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

In Part One of this story, Aaron’s best female friend Bianca tricked him into feminizing as his alter ego named Erin and exposed him to all their other girlfriends. Everyone now knows that Aaron becomes Erin after he gets turned down by other girls. Bianca has spent weeks training Erin to become a perfect and passable girl so that their other girlfriends can finally take Erin out for girly dates. Aaron’s rejection would soon be a thing of the past.

Bianca created a daily feminization itinerary for Erin to follow every single day. If Erin messed up, Bianca would openly gossip about Erin’s failures to the other girls in group texts and on social media. It was humiliating enough that Erin got rejected by them once, but to see them all laughing at her failures felt even worse.

Bianca’s Daily Feminization Itinerary 

  • 6 – 8 AM (Morning Beauty Routine): Wash face with cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Wash and shave your body in the shower. Dry and style hair in a feminine hairstyle. Apply simple and modest make-up to accentuate your best features.

  • 8 AM – 9 AM (Outfit Selection): Pick out a properly-fitting dress, pantyhose, and appropriate undergarments. Also, accessorize with classy jewelry and sensible but feminine shoes.

  • 9 AM – 12 PM (Morning Classes): Attend all classes on time and prepared. Maintain proper manners whenever you interact with other classmates and teachers. Always be kind and ladylike.

  • 12 PM – 1 PM (Lunch): Eat a healthy and well-balanced meal. You need the energy to absorb all of my feminization training. Place your napkin and utensils in their proper places and be mindful of how you eat and drink in front of the other girls. Do not make a mess as a boy would!

  • 1 PM – 5 PM (Afternoon Classes): Attend all classes on time and prepared. Maintain proper manners whenever you interact with other classmates and teachers. Always be kind and ladylike.

  • 5 PM – 6 PM (Girls Club): The other girls and I meet in a reserved classroom after school and discuss female topics while we do our nails. We usually just gossip and look at clothing magazines while we do our nails and listen to music. This is an important time for you to learn about what we truly like!

  • 6 PM – 7 PM (Dinner): Eat a healthy and well-balanced meal. You need the energy to absorb all of my feminization training. Place your napkin and utensils in their proper places and be mindful of how you eat and drink in front of others. Do not make a mess as a boy would!

  • 8 PM – 9 PM (Homework): I know you’re smart enough to complete your actual school homework at school so you’ll reserve this time to watch make-up tutorials and movies that feature the classiest ladies of our time. Feminizing yourself through media absorption. I’ve already made a youtube playlist and provided Blu Rays for you to watch.

  • 9 PM – 11 PM (Night Time Beauty Routine): Wash off your make-up with cleanser, toner, and apply serum to keep your skin clear and smooth. Tie a silk head wrap around your head to keep your hair frizz-free and beautiful.

Erin had to follow this strict routine for weeks before Bianca deemed her worthy enough to join the other girls on their dates. Eventually, the entire routine became an established set of habits and Erin was fully passable. The other girls were eager to take Erin out for some girly fun. Julia was the first one that took Erin out on a date.

Her prior rejection of Aaron seems so distant now.

Seeing how excited Julia was to hang out with Erin on Saturday made all of this strict feminization training worth it. Erin was extremely happy to finally go on a date with Julia, even if it’s just as girlfriends. Julia took her to a clothing boutique to select a new ballet leotard. She modeled it for Erin and performed one of her signature ballet dance moves in the fitting room. Erin blushed and was thankful that Julia wanted her opinion.

After they finished shopping for new clothes, Julia took Erin to the spa where they both got their eyebrows waxed. Julia rambled about her upcoming birthday party and how she was only inviting the coolest and classiest girls in school. “Erin, you MUST come! You’re honestly so much more ladylike than some of the other girls in our group. I want this party to be based on a Classic Hollywood theme so I only want classy girls to attend.” Erin sheepishly agreed and realized that the only way to become close with the girls she admired was to be one of them forever.

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

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