Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The PTA is constantly hassling the parents for new ways to raise funds for the school. There is always some dance or field trip that the budget just doesn’t have money for. Bake sales and car washes are out of date and frankly lame. We needed something that would bring in cash and fast!

As a stay-at-home mom, it isn’t like I have extra money to just fork over. However, I wanted to do my part. For education, ya know? So I asked the PTA president for the list of parent emails. Well, the emails of all the Dads.

PTA Fundraiser


I would send out an email offering special, adult-only services to all of the dads. For a price, of course. We would all meet at my house and have a big fuck fest. Each sex act would be a different price, just like at a bake sale! Blow jobs like chocolate chip cookies would be ten dollars, pussy is more like a homemade apple pie and would cost them fifty. If they really cared about the communities education, they could choose the anal option for a cool one hundred dollars.

Clearly, I was being generous with my sacrifice. It would be a lot of work for one woman, but I was up for the task! When I hand the money into the PTA, I’m sure they will all be mighty impressed and even invite me back next year to attempt to exceed this year’s contributions!



Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270