orgasm denial

Orgasm denial…………… I stare down. Your hard, erect cock. So rigid, so masculine. And tiny little me. How can I possibly master that big, throbbing thing?

But that’s exactly what you want me to do. And I gladly do, taking you to places you’ve never been. Little 100 lb. me, controlling you – you massive, strong, tough, hard man. My delicate fingers. My soft smile. The juxtaposition is something, isn’t it? Or should I just keep stroking that cock of yours and not worry about the big words? Your brain, it’s hard-wired to strain for tiny things like me. And strain I’ll make you. 

Orgasm Denial

I bring that wave in your balls almost to the breaking point, and then I stop. Your breathing, strained, rushed, so cute, a big strong man at the mercy of my tiny hands. Back to the breaking point. And then the wave dissipates again, needing to reload. That’s ok, I’ve got all the time in the world. But your balls? They look so purple and cute. I think I’ll build them up some more with my precious, delicate, feminine hands. Feminine hands that have you just begging and aching.
And then it happens. That wave in your balls. I send it to shore, ready to break and blow. But before it gets there I stop. Soon that wave you are riding collapses, like the surfer who hops on a wave to nowhere. And your precious little cock strains. And strains. Against nothing but the air. And it dribbles and dribbles. Maybe it even gives a tiny spurt. Whatever, the air can’t give you any pleasure, and that look on your face is all I need to get wet and get off. You settle, the wave that never was, collapsing on shore. I take your cock back in my hand. Tide and time wait for no man. Time to spend some more time building you up, my sad, sad man. Maybe you’ll have a happier story to remember once high tide arrives. Maybe.

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419