
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had made herself an espresso. She left it on the kitchen table with her biscotti when the phone suddenly rang. It was her lover. He wanted to talk dirty to her, and her to him, so she proceeded upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Naughty Ronnie just can’t behave himself…


Naughty Ronnie had been ride beside the kitchen when Miss Anna got the call. He was sitting in the family room watching his favorite cartoons. He looked over at the kitchen to see if his Mommy Anna was still there, but only found her espresso cup and biscotti. Ronnie couldn’t resist, he got up from the couch during the commercial break and proceeded to what Mommy Anna had left behind. He didn’t care for the biscotti. Instead, he was tempted to drink her espresso. He took the little cup, sniffed it and then downed it in one shot.

Ronnie proceeded to go back and watch his cartoons while Mommy Anna was upstairs talking dirty to her lover, but as time passed, he felt a sudden surge of energy, as if he had eaten twenty candy bars and just had to do something about it.  First, he started making a fort with the pillows and blankets on the couch, then he decided he would race around the main floor, timing himself to see if he could beat his record, then he went outside and played Nicki nine doors on all the neighbors and ran so fast that he didn’t get caught. Finally, as he collapsed back into the couch, the vibration set off Mommy Anna’s floor and couch, causing her china vase beside the couch to spin and tumble. Ronnie was so quick he even caught it before it hit the floor, saving it from being shattered!

Mommy Anna came downstairs and sat down to sip her espresso, only to find her cup empty. Just then, the neighbors next door came knocking to ask if she had been knocking on their doors.

‘’RONNIE!’’ Mommy Anna shouted, as Ronnie ran upstairs to quickly hide…


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203