ice cream

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had invited her lover over while her husband was at work. She made sure to scoot the kids out and told them they could go out and play, and even gave them money for ice cream. Mommy Anna told them NOT to come back home until it was dinner time. She planned it perfectly and would have her lover leave right before then, and made sure to have dinner in the oven cooking, so everything would go smoothly.

Naughty Ronnie just can’t behave

When her lover arrived, she grabbed him by the hand, clad in her lingerie and robe, she escorted him up the stairs to her marital bedroom. She went to the closet and grabbed her wooden paddle, and made him take his pants off, and then she began to spank him feverishly. The smacks of the wooden paddle against the flesh of his bare bottom echoed throughout the house. Thank goodness she made sure to close all of the windows so that the neighbors wouldn’t hear.

Naughty Ronnie was halfway down the street when he realized he had forgotten to take with him the money Mommy Anna had given him for ice cream. He bucked a u-ey with his bicycle and turned back around to head home speedily. As he approached the driveway, he remembered Mommy Anna said not to come home before supper, but gosh damnit, he wanted ice cream!

So he quietly crept into the house and up to his room to grab the money on his night table. Instead of shoving it in his pocket, he held it in his hand, which was becoming sweaty. Then suddenly, he heard spanking sounds and moaning coming from Mommy’s room. He tip toed over and peeked through the crack of the door. His pupils dilated and his mouth fell open to what he saw. Suddenly, he dropped all of the spare change on the floor clinging and clanging.

Anna’s lover yelled: who’s there!? Naughty Ronnie ran down the stairs and out the door without even making sure it was closed, but before he leapt outside he could hear Mommy Anna yelling: ‘’You better prepare for punishment when you get home!””


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203