
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna’s naughty boy had been gone for some time. When he returned she confronted him, accusing him of being naughty and misbehaving. ‘’How did you know?’’ he said. ‘’How did you know I was naughty?’’  all the while giving himself away. ‘’Because I know,’’ said Miss Anna. I know that with every waking moment, with each passing day, hour and minute, you are up to no good.

Miss Anna Knows…

‘’What exactly do you think I’ve done wrong?!’’ Said her naughty boy. ‘’Working yourself like a slave. Being as square as one can be. All work and no play, makes my Naughty boy vanilla and dull’’ Miss Anna replied. ‘’And you know how much I hate dull and vanilla’’ she continued. The Naughty boy swallowed hard. ‘’Tell me,’’ said Miss Anna, ‘’Tell me just what you’ve been up to.’’ The naughty boy stalled and tried to change the subject but Miss Anna kept on.

‘’You’d better tell me, because if I find out afterwards, or I have that wretched teacher of yours call me and I have to go down to that school and face that plain jane and waste my time going there, boy oh boy, are you going to be sorry!’’ The boy swallowed even harder.

‘’Alright, you win,’’ he said. ‘’I have been naughty, I confess.’’ And with that, he told her that he made cummies without her. That he jerked off in the girl’s washroom, that he swore at the teacher, and worst of all – he had stolen and jerked off into Miss Anna’s panties. Miss Anna gasped hearing this. She grabbed that naughty boy and threw him over her knee, but as she began spanking him, she felt his cock get hard pressed up against her inner thigh. And so, with one hand, she decided to reach down under his torso and began playing with him, while her other hand continued spanking him. ‘’ You deserve this, you need to get punished!’’ she told him over and over…



Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203