Klingons Fuck Zoey.  After graduating top in my class from fleet academy, I received my first assignment for my first official mission.  I would serve on the USS Excalibur as morale officer.  I was so excited to start my first mission.  Quite literally it was just yesterday when my academy instructors praised me on my cheerful sunny disposition.  They praised me on how I never failed to lift the spirits of those around me.

Klingons Fuck Zoey

Our first mission was to enter Klingon territory.  Charged with the mission to contact a band of rogue bandits who were terrorizing passenger ships traveling through space.  Rumors were that the Klingons had been taking women off the passenger ships for their own amusement.  The women were never heard from again.

Rumblings were being heard that there would be personal repercussions from the families of the missing women.  Starfleet desired to keep the tenuous peace with the Klingons and suggested my special talents at negotiation might be of use in this critical situation.

My captain located the Klingon ship causing all the recent problems, communication was made and I was beamed onto the Klingon ship.  I materialized to the sight of 5 fierce warriors awaiting my arrival and the promises that had been made regarding my services.

“ chay’pen ghaH nuj tInqu’ ghaj tlhIngan cock pussy Qaw’! Qo’ nobmeH yIt jar ghorgh vegh!”

My translator immediately began working in my ear, “I am going to destroy that pussy with my huge Klingon cock! You won’t be able to walk for a month when I’m through with you!”

I spoke with a confidence I wasn’t sure I completely believed. Then I challenged him back “vaj DaHar’a’ laH Ha’ ghor jIHvaD DubelmoHchugh ‘ej ‘e’ nID.  matay’DI’ SuvwI’ law’ ‘e’ nID ‘ej luj.  batlh HoS pablu’DI’ cha’.”

This certainly isn’t an easy assignment but as my instructors and fellow cadets learned during our time together at the academy, I can do nothing if not survive a hard, brutal fucking.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
