Young And Hard

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I thought I was a good girl, until I discovered that young and hard cocks are simply the best. There’s no competition really. How did I discover this you ask? Well, at 32, I thought I had my life figured out. My career was stable, my friendships were solid, and my routine was comfortable. I wasn’t actively searching for love or even just sex, especially not with someone younger. But then I met Dylan at a mutual friend’s party, and everything changed.

From the moment we started talking, Dylan was different. His smile and easy confidence were totally irresistible to me. We talked about everything – music, travel and books all while his eyes were taking in every inch of my body. The chemistry between us was undeniable.

Young And Hard

As that first night went on, Dylan mentioned he was still in college. I never deal with younger guys, but he seemed different. Could I really be into someone so much younger? Looking into his intense, dark eyes, I felt a thrill I hadn’t felt in years. Plus I’ll admit the bulge in his pants was IMPRESSIVE!!! So, I decided to push my doubts aside and agreed to see him again. Our first date was a blend of excitement and sexual tension. Our conversation flowed easily, and we were having a great time. But beneath the surface, there was a palpable attraction we couldn’t deny.

By the end of the night, the tension between us was almost unbearable and at that point I had been wet for hours. When Dylan walked me to my car, there was a charged moment where our eyes locked and everything else seemed to disappear. He pulled me close, his hand slipping around my waist and into my panties. The kiss started off soft and teasing but quickly turned intense and hungry as he started playing with my clit.

That night, I broke all my own rules. Dylan was bold, passionate, and one of the best fucks I’ve ever had. As we explored each other, the age difference melted away, leaving only the raw connection between us. My doubts evaporated, replaced by a thrilling sense of liberation. For the first time in a long time, I let myself get lost in the moment.

Lucy xx
Come find me at – 844-332-2639 xxx- 221