Horny Girlfriend

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

My feet shuffle along the carpet as I walk up and down the hallway at a glacial pace. Each time I pass his home office, my head tilts to peer inside. He’s typing away, talking into his headset. Another never-ending meeting he can’t get out of.

My sigh must have been more audible than I intended because his head snaps in my direction. Our gazes meet, and I feel guilty for interrupting him. He lifts the mic to mute the call and motions for me to come in. “Just be quiet, okay, baby?” Feeling rewarded for my patience, I skip into his office and climb onto his lap. Just inhaling his cologne as I snuggle into his chest ramps up the horny need that drove me to pace the hallway to begin with.

Horny Girlfriend


While bracing me against him, his arms reach around me to keep typing. I watch his fingers as my own trace patterns on his chest. His slender fingers move like lightning over the keyboard, and I bite my lips to keep in a whimper. I desperately want those fingers in my panties.

The thoughts floating through my head make me squirm on his lap, and oops, there it is. I keep my head lowered to try to hide my grin. I’m not the only horny person in the room. His cock rises to meet my ass, and I can’t stop my hips from grinding into him. “Kayla,” He warns, and I blink up at him innocently. His mic is muted again, and he pins me with a serious stare. “This is a crucial meeting.” I nod. Not admitting how horny I am and how badly I need this meeting to be over so he can devour me. Instead, I turn my face into his neck and begin kissing softly. Sucking and nipping the tender skin between my teeth as he works. He allows this for a few small minutes, and then his big right hand leaves the keyboard to squeeze my breast.

Important meeting or not, he has a horny girlfriend who needs his attention!



Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357


