Naughty Teen April 1-844-332-2639 ext 207

My stupid teacher gave me a D just because I was late on some assignments.  That idiot would learn lesson that he would never forget.  When I forced feminized my teacher to show him who is really in charge around here.

I snuck into the school and into his classroom.  Very compromising pictures were taken on his desk.  I sent them to his email from a fake account.  Then I waited.

Forced Feminized My Teacher

The next day he stopped me on my way into class.

“We have to talk today after school.”

I blinked up at him with wide innocent eyes pretending I do not know what he wants to talk about.  Agreeing to come to his room after school I walk away smiling to myself.  When I walk into his room later that afternoon, he is fuming angry.  He grew more angry when I smiled at him in very wicked way.

“Why did you do this to me?”

“Do what?”

He just stood there staring at me with his mouth open list moron.

“You are going to pretend you do not know what you did.”

He was almost yelling.  I laughed at him, holding my stomach, his face was so red.  Then I tell him I do not want to have this conversation here.  I will meet him at his house later tonight.

Later I go to his house and immediately he let me in.  I am prepared with this in bag I pack just for his.

“If you want me to make those pictures disappear you will do everything I say just as I say it.”

Then I pull out dress, stockings, panties I stole from my mother, and heels.  He just stares at me shocked and we argue for some time.  Eventually he knows he cannot win.  I have all the power and he put on what I give him to wear.

Force feminizing my teacher to get him back for bad grade was most fun I have in long time.

Naughty April

1-844-332-2639 ext 207