
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna decided to teach part time at the local school. She unfortunately had one very naughty boy in her class who loved to defy her. He would constantly correct her, and try to humiliate her in front of the class. Once day Miss Anna handed out a pop-quiz. Miss Anna timed the students and told them they only had 10 minutes to finish. But of course, that naughty boy began acting up.

Don’t talk back to your teacher

‘’This is stupid!’’ he said. ‘’It’s a waste of time, and the answer to the last question is contradictory. So I’m not answering it.’’ He said loudly disrupting the entire class.

‘’How dare you disrupt my classroom with your remarks!’’ Said Miss Anna. ‘’One more word outta you,  and you’re going straight to the principal’s office!’’ but the boy continued: ‘’Maybe that’s better than sitting here and writing this stupid quiz!’’ ‘’THAT’S IT!” said Miss Anna. You’re staying after school and doing detention with me! The other students finished up their quizzes, handed them in one by one, and left. Once they were all gone, Miss Anna closed the door, then locked it sharply, which made the boy swallow hard.

‘’How DARE you speak to me in MY classroom like that, you naughty boy!’’ she said, approaching him, clicking her heels all the way over to his desk. ‘’Did you ever think that the others might be trying to concentrate, that maybe they liked writing it?!’’ but the boy rolled his eyes at Miss Anna, and with that, she grabbed him and threw him over her knee, pulling his pants down violently. ‘’You deserve to get punished!’’ she said ‘’ You NEED to get punished’’ as she spanked him feverishly and repetitively, over and over, she wasn’t going to stop until his bottom was blistered red. Miss Anna suddenly noticed that the naughty boy was enjoying this, and so she decided to take matters further….


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203


