Disciplined by Daddy:  Daddy and I were at the store the other day.  He said he’d buy me a new dress.  But then I saw all the accessories that I wanted to go with my new dress.  I begged and begged to be able to get all the accessories too.  But Daddy just stood over me telling me that I was being a greedy little girl and should be thankful for the new dress he was buying me.  That was NOT what I wanted to hear though.  So, I began to pout and demand and have a tantrum.  Daddy gave me THE LOOK but that didn’t stop me in my tracks like it usually does.

Disciplined by Daddy

So, Daddy grabbed me by my arm and marched me over to one of the sales attendants.  He asked if they had a private changing room that we could use.  Since I wanted to have an attitude and not fix it immediately, he needed to help me adjust it.  I tried to back track and apologize while the sales associate smiled at me knowingly and told Daddy she’d be more than happy to provide a private space for him to address my behavior.

She grabbed a set of keys and walked us to the back of the store where there was a private changing are.  On the way, I watched as her arm stretched out and she snagged a square wooden hairbrush.  She handed it to Daddy with a twinkle in her eye saying she was pretty sure he’d make good use of it.  Daddy thanked her as he pushed me into the changing room.

Daddy sat down on the chair in the room.  Then reached out grabbing me again and pulling me over his lap.  I kicked my legs begging him not to spank me right there.  But he just pulled up the skirt of my dress and pulled my panties down to my knees.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
