Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

Luckily I love to change diapers! Lol! That’s how I earned my nickname Diaper Girl. I think all of my years working in the church nursery was great training for this job. The other nursery workers would always call me over if anyone needed to be changed because they knew I loved to change diapers. And they would come running to me with their arms extended to get their diapers changed. They would cry if anyone else tried to change them. I loved it all, the smell of the wipes, powder, diaper rash cream, and even the diapers themselves. It’s so satisfying to start with a mess and end up with a fresh, clean diaper. And it’s so rewarding to see how happy it makes the recipient. You see, it wasn’t just the church nursery. I also volunteered at the skilled nursing facility that was owned by our church. So I also have a lot of experience with adult diapers too. That’s a whole other story. Those men are so horny! You wouldn’t imagine some of the stories I heard.

Diaper Girl

One time I had to change my friend’s grandpa’s diaper. When I walked in he immediately recognized me. “Little Rachel! Come give me a hug and tell me how you’ve been” he commanded. So I did. Then I started doing his diaper and his dick was so hard. Then he started telling me that when we were little, he would watch me run around in my little dresses and he thought I was so cute. I tried to focus on the diaper change. He just kept talking about times when I was little and saying “oh cute little Rachel” and his dick just kept getting harder and harder. Then it exploded, spewing so much cum everywhere. “See what little Rachel makes grandpa do” he grinned.

Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457





