Deviant Phone Sex – click here to read part 1 if you want a little hot refresher. 

I whisper to you to get underneath her as I handcuff her hands behind her back. No distractions at all, no hair, or hands. Now Alison can focus on her body, how it feels, and me, how I look.
I push you down to the floor, with Alison on top of you. You protest. I stick her handcuffed hands around your jumping cock and tell you to enjoy.
Then I kick Alison’s legs open and stand over her. I kick off my stylish winter boots and put two pencil-thin stilettos on. Six inches. Strappy. Metal spikes. Very dominant. Your cock really starts moving.
“Alison,” I say as I lift one foot up, “the quicker you make my man cum the quicker this ends.”

Deviant Phone Sex

She’s never given a hand job before, and the way her hands are cuffed and your body is tight against her back doesn’t make it easier.
“Here, let me help,” I say as I inch my stiletto ever closer to her pussy.
“But you said you wouldn’t fuck my pussy.” She begs.
Being a woman of my word, I just smile as the thin end of the stiletto angles right for her other hole, her urethra.
She shudders. I slip ever so slightly. A disaster averted; I pull my stiletto away from her cunt hole just before it breaks her hymen. My professional ballet training is finally paying dividends.
I smile again. “Keep your composure, Alison, and I’ll keep my word.”
An inch, then two, then three, then four into her tiny wee wee slit. She starts to jerk and cry. You groan. What’s good for your cock might not be good for her pussy, imagine what a shiny metal stiletto can do to such delicate skin.
Composure or getting you off as fast as she can. What’s a girl to do? I’m sure Alison has her answer, I know mine too. Grind that stiletto into her other hole until she wee-wees all over herself. To make your cock really jump. To make her hate her virginity more than any girl ever has. But mostly to make me happy as I look down at the two of you looking up at me.
Keep your word and call and make me happy. I kept my word. You’ll keep yours, won’t you?

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419