Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

I know life is hard, but I can make sure you don’t have to deal with that stuff again! It’s really simple, I think. We Dommes try to make it as low of a bar for entry to no more stress as possible. You don’t have to worry about work, or friends, or family drama again. Doesn’t that sound tempting? Every man wants to let go of having to do his duties. Paying the mortgage, rent, utilities, all of that boring stuff you have to do now. And all you need to do is let me take control of you!

You are ready to destress.

I promise, you just have to stop saying no. You only listen to me. Anything happens in your little life and I will take care of it. Doesn’t that sound like a dream come true? Like when you were young and ran to mommy and daddy because you scraped your knee. Now, you just come running to me. Easy, I promise. If I tell you to sit, you sit. If I want to be eaten out, you come do it. Anything I ask. Even if it seems a little weird to you. I ask you to suck, you suck. Easy as pie!

So don’t be scared to be put into the hands of a dominant woman like me. We do it for your own good! How else are you supposed to destress? Much too difficult out there for a guy like you. All I want is to control everything for you. That’s how I know you are a good boy. Listening and obeying Mistress Alex. Are you ready to finally rid yourself of responsibilities? If so. Come play, I think we will have some fun together. Don’t you worry, you’re in safe hands mister! See you soon.


Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425