cute girlfriend

844-332-2639 Ext. 344

Always thought that one girl was the nice girl, didn’t you? Hehehe, like any girl is really nice.. I’d love to make you feel like a million dollars and be a good girlfriend, but like, Its hard to be a good girl ALL the time. Sometimes you wanna be naughty. You should know, a cute girlfriend is a precious gift, and like anything else that is important? It needs to be invested in.

Especially if a bad boy is around…you wouldn’t get jealous, me kissing other boys in front of you? Of course you wouldn’t lol, if you did? You wouldn’t be going for the girl you thought was nice. You know your cute girlfriend is a dirty little slut, as fucking much of a skank as she is a cutie pie.

Like just admit it and be honest with yourself. Everyone likes bad girls better. Everyone really wants a slut, they just don’t think they deserve one. Once you know you’re just some silly ass cuck that I can take advantage of you’ll be able to really let me have some fun with you. Maybe even you’ll have fun with getting pushed around and tugged back and forth like nothing but a cucked bitch. That’s what you want in the end, isn’t it? Commit to what a cuck you are but don’t let me find out. You know know in the end I am the winner.

I could make you deserve me..hehe, and you could accept all the problems that come from having a cute little Asian girlfriend, so fucking cute, so fucking perfect. But just so fucking mean you want her even more.


844-332-2639 Ext. 344

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