coat check

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

I was at this fancy ball, when I suddenly spotted you staring at me from across the room. Your wife was shmoozing everyone, and didn’t care to notice what direction your eyes had been gazing into. Our eyes locked and we looked at each other with that ‘come and fuck me’ stare.

Coat Check

Little games

As the night progressed, it was all fun and games, locking eyes, then ignoring one another, then brushing elbows at the bar. You even sent me a drink and politely nodded from across the bar. I winked back and blew you a kiss. I could hear your wife’s annoying dry laugh off in the distance. How do you sleep next to that old hag? I pondered to myself.


The night grew old and I began to get bored. Many men approached me and tried, but to no avail. I was only there for work, and they all bored me. My eyes were only set on you, like my prey. I overheard someone talking about you in the distance and how known you were across town. I bet women line up to fuck you just to be able to say they did.

Oh it’s you, it’s really you!

Finally, time started to run. An acquaintance grabbed my arm and told me she had to introduce me to somebody. I hesitantly went as she dragged me in my gown and high heels, stumbling along the way. I looked around the room still looking for you. My friend then said: I would like to introduce you to…’’ oh boy, its you. It’s you who she’s introducing me to! We shook hands and I had to catch my breath. You were so shy. She told me your nickname, and we all bursted out laughing. ‘’is that what they call you?’’ I said. You turned red and looked away in embarrassment.

Just when I was about to give up…

Later on, I finally got tired and decided to leave. Oh great! The coat girl left, and isn’t there to tend to anyone. Probably flirting with the bus boys again. I went behind the counter and decided to grab my fur coat my myself. When I turned to leave, there you were standing right in front of me. I gasped, and stumbled, and you caught me in your arms. You grabbed me and kissed me, and we fell into the heavy coats together, as music played in the distance. You began to lift my dress and move your hand up my thighs. My heart pounded. What if someone catches us? What if your wife were to walk here to grab her coat?!



Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203