Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

For a long time, I have known this slutty bitch named Jemma. Well, she’s not a bitch, but she can be really annoying. Not to mention, she is definitely a slut, has been as long as I’ve known her.

The thing is, I have a bit of a kink, some may even call it a dark side. Personally, I don’t, but you tell me. On the other hand, the thing about Jemma is, that she’ll pop or snort anything white you hand her. Knowing this, I had a plan.

Purchasing Jemma a blonde wig and gold tiara. In addition, I bought her a sexy pink teddy. The teddy clipped open at the front so it made her perky tits look even bigger. Not to mention, a sexy pink crotchless thong and gold Louboutins.

Beforehand, when I dropped off the items, I told Jemma I wanted to fuck her. To add, I gave her a white bag with some pills and told her to get ready and take two to loosen up.

When I arrived at her bedroom, she looked stunning and so fuckable. She always does.

Continue reading “Jemma as Sleeping Beauty (Told by Adam)”

Heather—- 1844-332-2369 ext. 450

I thought this was going to be a regular blowjob.  Boy, was I wrong!  It started off normal.  I was sucking his cock and moving up and down.  The next thing I know He puts his hand on the back of my head and basically slammed his cock down my throat.  I don’t remember EVER having that much cock in my mouth! The next thing I know I’m choking so bad!  Tears are running down my face, and I’m finding it hard to catch my breath.  The whole time he is mess talking.  Saying things like, “you’re not doing all that big girl talking now…..are you”?  I couldn’t even answer because my mouth was over full.  After a few minutes of this, he gathered my hair in one hand, and used it to pull my head away from his cock.  He asked me if I had learned my lesson.  The only response that I had was,” yes, DADDY”.  He appeared to be thinking about it, and then said, “nope, I don’t think that you have.”

Continue reading “Heather’s First DADDY Experience Pt.2”

Heather~~~~1-844-332-2639 Ext. 450

Not to long ago I was shopping at the mall.  It had been a great day.  I had just made my last stop at a lingerie shop.  I’m standing there looking for my size in the sexiest teddy, and I hear, “Hello Heather” in the sexiest voice.  I thought to myself, “I know that voice”.  I turn around and instantly melt.  Standing there was my first DADDY!

I am instantly thrown back in time.  I think back to our first date.  We both knew that the other was into the lifestyle.  He was way more experienced.  I was new and inexperienced.  I had been teasing him previously telling him that he was going to have to take control, because I wasn’t going to give it to him easily.  He was going to have to take it.  We met for dinner and from the moment he walked in, he had this air of confidence about him.  His body oozed extreme control, and I knew I was in trouble!  The whole time I found myself subconsciously submitting to him in little ways.  He even ordered for me!  That’s something no one has ever done for me before!

Continue reading “Heather’s First DADDY Experience”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

For a short time, I had two female roommates. They were named Ashley and Amanda, and they were bitches. 

Both of them were chunky, neither had an attractive face. To add, they had voices that were like nails on a chalkboard. In addition, they both shoplifted everything they had. As far as I was concerned, they were nasty little scam artists. 

Both of them made fun of me all the time. In retrospect, it’s crazy. Not only was I way hotter, I was genuinely so much nicer than either of them. 

During that time, we all picked up stuff from this guy named Adam. Now, Ashley and Amanda were seriously obsessed with this guy. His family owned a few breweries and they had a ton of money, the guy drove a Lamborghini Sian. 

Adam seemed to like me though. Who could blame him, have you seen me? 

One night, in January, a few of Adam’s friends were having a costume party. Unfortunately, I didn’t know these people and Ashley and Amanda told me I couldn’t come. 

Devastated, I decided to try on the costume I had bought. Maybe I could send some sexy photos and have a hookup. 

Continue reading “Jemma as Cinderella”

Rhonda 844-332-2639 ext 446

You need some Hot Homewrecker Phone Sex and I am going to give you what you need. Look at me. And now look at that hag of a wife of yours. Compare and contrast, lover. I’m mature and gorgeous. She is just old and ….EW…Jesus fucking Christ, she has really let herself go! Does she ever workout? And it isn’t even just the way she looks, though that in itself points to the fact that she takes you for granted. There she goes, gallivanting around the house in sweats, no sexy lingerie. Nag, nag, nag. And then the bitch gives you the cold shoulder whenever you want to fuck. That’s why your married cock needs some hot homewrecker phonesex!

So, let me tell you how we are going to play this one. First, you’ll call me for some hot homewrecker phonesex. Then you will tell me your bitch wife’s name. After that, I want you to tell me, in detail, about how gross and annoying she is.  And then we’ll take it from there…. There are a variety of things we can do to humiliate and degrade the bitch. Continue reading “Hot Homewrecker Phone Sex”

Chasinmg New Heights Pt 2

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

He quickly slides down her body and places two fingers inside her, tips hooked to heaven as he nearly lifts her ass off the bed from inside her. His lips seal around her clit. His tongue darting across her and dragging his cum out of her slit.

Inside her, that familiar pressure begins to rise again as she grabs sharply onto his hair. Her legs go wide, and her eyes roll back. She lets go of herself, and the first wave of orgasm hits her like a brick wall. Her vision goes white as her body shakes underneath him. He stops his assault for only a moment to breathe deep.

Continue reading “Chasing New Heights Pt 2”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

For a while, I had been seeing this guy named Jake. Well, not really seeing him, just picking up stuff from him.

I felt bad for him, not pity, genuine sympathy. Jake was a lot older than me. For a long time, he had been a pro-MMA fighter. As a result, he had severe cauliflower ears on both sides. In addition, he was a guy who went bald early, so he always wore hats, and I never saw him without one. Lastly, he used a cane, due to years of severe injuries his body was just broken.

One night, I was at his house. I waited for him in his bedroom as he weighed my stuff in another room. I get curious sometimes, and I love to snoop. Under Jake’s mattress, I found a naughty photo of the princess Belle.

This photo was sexy. Belle had her hair half up in loose curls. She was wearing a regal-looking, yellow off-the-shoulder bra. In addition, she had on yellow panties, a garter belt, and stockings. I’ll admit, I was turned on. In addition, I had a plan.

Continue reading “Jemma as Belle”

Slutty Sissy

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

We both know that a cock loving, slutty sissy like you is always horny. So why would Christmas time be any different? You want a cock to either suck on or sit on 24/7, and it really doesn’t matter whose cock it is. And I also know your secret you slutty sissy. I’ve heard all about what you like to do this time of year.

Continue reading “Some Holiday Cock For A Slutty Sissy”

Kinky Girl Orgy

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

I’m not sure if you know this about me or not, but I love a kinky girl orgy more than anything! Everyone knows that my girlfriends are all just as horny as I am, so we love to get together for some sexy fun every Christmas break. Of course we insisted on having an orgy this year instead of holiday party. Who wants to sit around playing lame Christmas games and drinking eggnog when you could be fucking?

Continue reading “Christmas Break Equaled A Kinky Girl Orgy”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

All sorority girls are bitches. Okay, not all of them. However, in my experience most of them are. I would know, I’ve been to enough Fraternity and Sorority parties.

On the other hand, I find that a lot of guys have a kink for Sorority sisters. Specifically, a kink for a sorority girl threesome.

Luckily for me, I seem to have a stockpile of Kappa Kappa Gamma shirts. I suppose that’s what happens when you need to do the walk of shame out of the amount of Frat houses I have.

For a while, I had been seeing this guy named Mark. Mark had been a Sigma Alpha Epsilon when he attended school. He wasn’t lucky enough to “pin” someone and exchange letters and I don’t think he’s ever let it go.

My AI doll, Rita, is always down to fuck and is the most amazing fuck you will ever get. Like, as good as me, and I don’t say that lightly. However, I wanted another girl for this. So I decided to call my friend Zoey.

“Hey slut”, Zoey said, when she answered my call.

Continue reading “Jemma, Rita, and Zoey, Sorority Sisters”