Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

Isn’t it funny to see boys out on the street not even bothering to gawk at the ladies walking by? Men don’t even live up to their expectations anymore, even the bad expectations. Wild to me, if you want my opinion. I really have two theories on this new phenomenon of men being spineless sexless twigs. First theory is that they’re fags. Obviously. Seems to be the one that comes to mind first for most people. The second theory, however, is that they know they are inferior. Finally, after all this time they have figured it out! They seem to have finally caught up to us.

Boys will be boys, and now that means subservience.

As it always should of, if you ask me. And I am always right so don’t bother fighting me on that one. Nothing is worth more than a man who knows they should be bottom feeders. Sludge on the street, the help for us ladies. Half of guys can’t even seem to wash their dick properly. How many men out there in the world constitute showering as washing hair, pits, and ass? Nothing else? It’s terrible honestly, they want to keep running stuff but can’t seem to get the concept of soap down.

If you see yourself in any of this, consider being a little helper for us ladies. You aren’t any better than slime on the sidewalk to gorgeous superior women. Considering the state you’re in, desperate to let me know how much you agree with me, you are welcome to make the jump and call. Sometimes the best next step is humiliation. I want to hear all about how you know you are worse than me. What nasty things the girls in school called you, the terrible things you know are true and have accepted as part of your male inferiority.

Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425