Bound At Sea

Kayla 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

“Captain!” The misty sea wind carried the first mate’s panicked voice to where the Captain rested in her cabin. “We need ye on deck!” Captain Kayla’s black knee-high boots clanked along the wooden deck planks as she confidently strode toward the scrambling sailors and the beast they had bound to the deck.

Seven men were wrestling a massive, inky black creature. Its tentacles slapped at them as they attempted to wrestle it into submission. Lucky for them, the arms of the beast were tangled in their fishing net behind its back. “What’s this?” Captian Kayla bellowed over the roar of the ocean. The creature stilled at the sound of her voice, and the sailors scattered.

Bound At Sea


“Release me, or I’ll sink your vessel to exact my revenge.” The beast lifted its chin and spit the words at the Captain’s feet. Kayla scoffed and drew the gleaming trident from behind her back. She looked over the thing that had become tangled in their fishing nets. It had smooth black skin and more tentacles than an octopus. To Kayla’s surprise, the thing had perky full breasts and a limp cock lying under the matted nets at its hips. As she had already noticed, its arms were stuck behind its back, but she could tell from its shoulders the creature was powerful.

Captian Kayla walked forward, a boot on either side of the beast’s hips as she pointed the sharp tips of the magical trident to its throat. The creature let out a hiss as the magic singed his scaleless skin. “I don’t take lightly to threats of my ship and crew.” Waves slammed into the ship’s hull, spraying chilly saltwater over the events on deck. The wind whipped at Kayla’s red hair and tightened her blouse against her breasts. “Submit and tell me how you can be useful to me, or I’ll slaughter you where you lie.”

Making The Beast Submit


The creature struggled under the Captain and the nets binding it to the deck; the high noon sun at her back and the wind exposing her perfect breasts caused the once limp cock to rise. The crew murmured amongst themselves as they watched with anticipation. Kayla then squatted, the center of her breeches brushing against the swelling monster cock.  Embarrassed by its body’s reaction to the Captain, the beast tried to look away, but Kayla grabbed its throat and leaned the web of her hand into its windpipe.

“I said… How will you be useful to me?” The Captain’s free hand wandered to the bound creature’s left breast. Her thumb grazed softly over the stiffening peak.

The creature’s hips lifted, trying to grind its straining cock into the Captain, and a gasp of pleasure slipped past its lips. “You can’t get away with this! I’ll gut every one of you when I get out!”

To Be Continued…


Kayla 1844-332-2639 Ext 357