•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

Readers, boys, girls! I have a girlfriend. Her name is Olivia, and she is just as adorable as I am. We met on the subway, like any good love story. We were both coming home from late shifts and sat next to each other. I noticed she was reading one of the new Aron Beauregard books,  so I had to ask her. “What do you think of his latest one?” She perked up and looked over at me and smiled. “It was disgusting. I loved it!” I had a laugh and so did she. We talked the whole ride home about the book, I even missed my stop.

Book worms

“I have never met another person who even knows about him!” She said excitedly as we talked about his book. “Not many people have the taste for his kind of.. genre.” She gave me a smile and asked what stop I was. When I told her that, her eyes widened and we both giggled. I offered to walk her home and she happily accepted the offer. When I got to her apartment she asked If I would like to come in, and of course I couldn’t say no.

“Your place here is lovely. A lot nicer than mine haha” it was a small little apartment but it was so cozy. She had plants all over the place, and the smell of lavender lingered in the air. She threw her jacket on the couch and patted down next to her. I sat softly next to her and we talked for hours. I felt right at home.

Nothing sexy happened that night.. I’m sure you’re waiting for the hot lesbian scene right? You’ll have to come back next time to see how we really got things going!

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

https://phone sexcandy.com/candygirl/candice