Zoey Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203                      Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Mommy Anna had spent the whole morning slaving over a hot stove trying to make everyone a pumpkin pie. When it was finally finished, she placed it on the stove to cool off before adding some trim, but before you know it, along came Naughty Ronnie, attempting to dip his finger in it to sample a taste.

Miss Anna’s Pumpkin Pie

Mommy Anna slapped his hand and he retracted it immediately, sucking on it like a baby to ease the sting. ‘’Now Ronnie, don’t you DARE touch this pie, this is dessert for our family and guests tonight. You can have some cookies in the meantime.’’ ‘’Yes, Mommy’’ said Naughty Ronnie.

Mommy Anna slipped upstairs to call her lover and talk dirty to him over the phone while she lounged half-naked in her bedroom.

The pie stared at Ronnie as if to mock him. He got up close just to take a whiff of that beautiful smell, but suddenly came Zoey, pushing his head from behind, forcing his face into the pie, leaving an imprint of his entire face in it, and him covered in pie filling only to have him lick the sides of his cheeks. Mommy Anna came downstairs to check on the pie, but screamed with horror as she found it mutilated and only could see Ronnie’s face imprinted in the top with tons of filling missing.

As she looked at the floor, she noticed a trail of the pie filling leading to the bathroom. Naughty Ronnie was in there, semi-trying to lick it off and semi trying to clean it off. Mommy Anna crept up to the door, only to hear Naughty Ronnie talking to himself: ‘’oh why, why me?! Why did Zoey have to do that?! I’m going to be in so much trouble. Maybe I can run to the bakery and ask Tony to give me another pie, Mommy will never know the difference!’’

Just then, Mommy Anna kicked the door open. Ronnie’s face turned white as if he had seen a ghost.

‘’I guess this time, you don’t have time to prepare for punishment…’’’ said Mommy Anna


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Zoey 844-332-2639 EXT. 403





