Ariel 1-844-332-2639 Ext 290

So I’m bisexual. I have always had a love of ladies. Today I’m going to share a bit about where that love came from. When I was about 15 years old, I had just gotten my braces off. I was so excited about a summer without worrying about what was stuck in my teeth anymore. Another excitement was that during this particular summer we were going to a massive family reunion on my moms side, the Scottish side. Not only did that side love to drink, but it was the side of my family that had a LOT of gingers. Thinking on it now, this story is also where my love of redheads comes from. This is my confession of the first time I had sex with a woman, and it just so happened to be with my older cousin Jasmine . She brought about my love of ladies.

Love of Ladies

We were out camping in the middle of nowhere Canada. I had a tent that I always brought because my parents snore like crazy and I always liked the privacy. On the 2nd day of the reunion Jasmine had asked if I wanted to go swimming with all the other cousins. Let me paint you a picture of what Jasmine looks like just to add to the pain. She was 5’7, about 150 lbs, EE34 breasts and the roundest, curviest hips and ass you’ve ever seen. She was 2 years older than me at the time. The most amazing feature of her was not only her curves, but she also had perfect long red hair that fell to passed her ass. She was the literal embodiment of a mermaid. She was wearing an emerald green one piece that had the sides cut out, really accentuating her curves. When we were done swimming she asked if she could change in my tent with me since her brothers were gonna take forever in the trailer and the bathroom. I gladly obliged and off we headed to get changed in the tent. If you want to know exactly what went down in that tent, you’ll have to message me and find out 😉

Ariel 1-844-332-2639 Ext 290