Intense Orgasm

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

When was the last time you had a really intense orgasm? Mine was just a few days ago. I had some crazy hot role plays last week and I’ve loved them all. But I especially loved the one that gave me an intense orgasm.

That call had me so turned on and yet scared with anticipation that I was trembling a little bit before the fun even got started. Let me tell you all about it…

In our role play he snuck into my bedroom one night when I accidentally left the window unlocked. I woke up from a deep sleep to find him standing at the foot of my bed. Staring at me. It startled me so I sat up and turned on a light. But then I immediately recognized who and what he was. He was a vampire, and I knew what he was there to do. He was there to make me his for all eternity.

Intense Orgasm

He told me that if I just held still and didn’t scream or try to get away that I would actually really enjoy what was about to happen. I was shaking and I didn’t want anything bad to happen, so I just laid back and let him get closer to me. He leaned over and started licking my neck and then all of a sudden, he bit down, and his fangs pierced my skin. He started sucking and I could feel my life draining. Little by little I was getting weaker. He could see this and was getting turned on by my becoming his forever.

He started rubbing his hard cock up against me. Then the strangest thing happened – I started to get turned on. Here I was about to be fucked by a vampire and instead of only being scared, I was scared AND turned on. He ripped off my panties and I felt the head of his cock pressing right into me. I’ve never felt anything like it. So intense and unworldly at the same time. He bent down, thrust into me and at the same time took one final deep bite into my neck….

Avery xo
1-844-332-2639 ext. 228