
844-332-2639 xxx 345

Do you honestly think that I haven’t noticed you checking out my ass? You like the fact that I always wear short leather skirts. They cling to my ass and emphasize how good it looks when I’m walking away from you. You’re my younger teen neighbor that is desperate to fuck me. You boldly knock on my door and ask me if I have any landscaping or household chores that you could do for me. A busy Mistress always has tasks for thirsty young slave boys.

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Eastern European Goddess Jasmine

JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

Ah yes, the sense of touch. It is an important though often neglected aspect of the erotic experience. Of course, we love the touch of our partner’s hand on a warm Spring day or the feel of a new lovers body beneath our mouths and fingertips but what of the exquisite charge of electricity that comes with the touch of soft, silky fabric against the flesh? Something perhaps only known to select few? Perhaps but –ah –of those select few I count myself. And furthermore, since you have come this far, I imagine that you do as well.

Picture Yourself Lying Upon My Bed

Now, I want for you to picture yourself lying upon my bed, bathed in the soft glow of scented candles, with a silken blindfold over your eyes as I run my luscious feather boa over your entire body. Imagine too my hand in a PVC glove, as I touch you, caress you. Experience now the deep feel of arousal as you run your fingers through my soft hair, becoming so very turned on by the touch of satin sheets upon my bed as our bodies move together, skin to skin, almost overwhelmed by all the different textures that inspire in us feelings of lust and desire.

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