Sub Tamer Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

Normally I don’t have fantasies I share with you all, I assume you will not be able to grasp why they are floating in my head. However, I will share this one because I am sure it would make you all melt. I have this thing, where I walk down the street. Or maybe I am in a store, browsing the aisles. Honestly it doesn’t really matter all that much. The thing is, you’re there. And you see me. My photos on here are translated to real life and you get to see me, and I know your voice of course.

Continue reading “Gr-EAT Me, Sub”


HONEY 1-844-332-2639, extension 300

Just a warning for you – if you can’t handle a high maintenance bitch, you might want to step off now. All you guys who say oh, that girl is too high maintenance, etc. That’s so lame. Do you really want a low maintenance chick? A girl that has no self-worth or doesn’t invest in herself? I am definitely not that. I know my worth and I take care of myself. That’s because I know what a high value commodity I am.

Continue reading “Honey’s Invest In The Best Phone Sex”