Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

I was sitting outside the most recent venue I was at, cigarette dangling from my lips as I dug around in my purse, trying to find my lipstick tube. Of course, at a shabby place like this, I felt a man lean up against the wall beside me, beckoning me to pay attention to him. “Hey, can I bum a cig?” He stated more than asked. Fucking rude, if you ask me. Thinking I will just give up my stuff for some random weirdo outside a venue. I made sure my stare back at him had that extra ice-cold touch. “You can if you work for it.”

He glanced at the cigarette dangling from my lips.

“Well, what the fuck do you want me to do for a damn cig? I’m just really stressed, I’ll do it if it’s easy.” A smirk travelled across my face. I wiggled my finger, indicating that he should follow me. The walk ended at my car, he was clearly a little confused at little old me dragging him out to my car. ‘Maybe she needs her tire changed?’ was surely the thought going through his head while I opened the passenger-side back door. “Get on your knees facing the car, arms on the seat.”

To his credit, he did what was asked of him. Lucky for him, I was feeling like letting a man suffer that day. I lifted his shirt, exposing his back to me. Before he could ask what I was doing, I took the cig out of my mouth and pressed the cherry against his skin. Screaming rang in my ears, exactly what I wanted. “The hell are you doing?!” Was all he could get out, which warranted another burn from the cig I just relit. After my playtime, I gave him one to walk away with.

I can’t wait to see him again, you can’t hide an erection in tight jeans like that.


Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425