Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

My shift as the night nurse was going along as usual. It was approaching the early morning hours and I was hitting a slump. I was feeling very sleepy so I decided to go make a triple espresso. I dozed off while I was waiting for it. But it tasted so good once I was drinking it. I was savoring every last drop and the moment I was done… “Nurse Julie To The Nurse’s Station” echoed through the hospital on the intercom. I promptly report with a jolt of energy and extra pep in my step.

Dr. Stevens has a serious look in his eyes. I’m concerned about what he has to tell me. “Nurse Julie, patient in room 169 has a severe case of epididymal hypertension and I need you to please go relieve him” he asks in a serious, stern, but quiet voice. “Of course Dr. Stevens, I’ll get right on top of that” realizing what I’d just said, I tried to catch myself but it was too late” I mean”. “It’s ok Nurse Julie” he quickly interjected with a chuckle. I couldn’t help but giggle as I headed towards room 169. I quickly go over the chart

Nurse Night Shift

before entering the room. Peter Johnson, age 39. “Hello Mr. Johnson, I’m Nurse Julie, I’m here to give you some relief”. “Hello, Nurse Julie” he whispers in a shy, quiet voice of embarrassment. His big blue innocent eyes peer over the sheet. I try to put him at ease by reassuring him that we’re going to have him feeling better in no time. I reach under the sheet and indeed, his testicles are rock hard and very backed up. I begin lightly massaging his testicles, perineum, and prostate gland while stroking his rock hard penis. Ejaculate soaks the sheets, BUT….      Part 2 cumming soon!

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453


