Dear Mistress Anita,
I have been divorced for numerous years and have had a few girlfriends, but nothing serious. Recently, I have started seeing this one special gal and I am quite sure we will get intimate very soon. Problem is that for the last 10 years or so, I have been wearing ladies panties. I am not a crossdresser, I just find women’s panties (and lingerie) more comfortable, a secret thrill and actually quite fun. My ex never had a problem with it, she just did not let me wear hers. I want to be honest with my new girlfriend, but do not want to scare her away. At the same time, I do not want to wear boring men’s underwear. Can you let me know what your thoughts are and if I should tell her?
Yours truly,
Panty obsessed boi.
Dear Panty Obsessed Boi,
I can actually understand you when you say that women’s panties are very comfortable to wear. This practice of yours is comforting for you and you find it fulfilling. Other than this, there should be on other reason to justify it. You may want to discuss this with your girlfriend before surprising her in the bedroom. If you start by talking about turn-on’s and turn-off’s, that may be a good start. After all, if she really likes you, she will accept you as her panty-wearing boyfriend. Perhaps, when you update me, you can send me a picture of you wearing her panties (even if you have to sneak into her panty drawer). Let’s face it, your are panty whore and nothing will ever change.
Yours truly,
Mistress Anita 1-844-332-2639 ext 288