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Listen to my sexy voice!

Do you want a Dirty Banana?

Oh, you have a dirty mind to think that! It’s a drink silly. As a bartender I know how to make lots of things dirty! A sweet Dirty Banana made with such a heavy thick cream and a drizzle of your choice of syrups; and of course a nice long thick banana that’s just ready to be used how I see fit.

The flavor is so unforgettable just like me! The things I will do to you and for you are as top shelf as my imported stash! You will never be able to forget the things I make happen for you. Listening is my job like any good bartender, and I know just what to do with the information I’m given or the information I’ve taken from you. All you have to do is give over to the sweet sometimes hidden strong punch of what I pour down your throat. But don’t worry I’ll make sure to teach you how not to gag on such a load. Your mind, body and soul will be in my hands along with some other fun appendages.

Some find this scary;

some arousing; and some, those very lucky few find it freeing. So, what’s it going to be? You want to order something from the menu straight or maybe something right from the tap; or maybe are you brave enough to find the exotic pallet teasing temptations of my hidden menu? Choose very carefully this maybe the choice that leaves you stuck in your old life doing the same old thing on repeat forever. OR, this could be your chance to do something you’ve never even dreamed about. Something so seductively pleasurable you may just forget all about what you’ve ordered and leave the ordering up to me!