Is Your Dick Size Illegal?

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

You’ll never believe what I learned. In fact, after you read what I’m going to tell you, you might feel really lucky you don’t live in Iceland. Recently, I heard about an old, old law in Iceland. Way back in the day, when people didn’t have sex until marriage, this poor woman married a man. She was so happy, up until her wedding night when she discovered her spouse’s penis size! She was so dissatisfied, SO disappointed that after her wedding night, she went to the courts to complain.

She was legally bound to this penis for the rest of her life, and boy, was she mad about it. The courts heard her out and agreed how unjust it was. They made a law that if your penis was less than three inches, it would be illegal for a man to marry!

Is Your Dick Size Illegal?


Can you believe it! I can think of a few boys who I know that have broken the law by taking a wife with a two-inch dick! A penis under three inches is so unacceptable to have a woman chained to it for the rest of her life that it’s illegal for you to do something so horrendous to her!  If you live in Iceland, at least.

I kind of wish the rest of the world would follow in Iceland’s shoes and start enforcing this brilliant law. Women already have to deal with so much annoyance from a man. There is no reason she should have to tolerate a short dick too.



Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243