xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208
It’s amusing to me how you selfish boys think only of yourselves. Different boy, different situation, and yet it’s always “Poor me!” “Pitty me.” It’s never your fault for the things that have happened to you. I was on the phone this morning with a man who wanted my help using the elastorator. *Claps hands excitedly* I know, I know, not much help can be given as it’s an easy tool to use, but I digress.
So, we’re on the phone after I help him put the rubber band around the prongs, open them up and stuff his grape-sized balls through; he releases the elastorator and is on his way to losing his sack when I start to ask why he wanted this… and this is where the fun begins.
Elastorator Fun…For Me, Anyhow
So he starts to tell me that he knows he jacks off too frequently, and since he was little, he had his balls busted in for it. Which led him to believe his little balls were the reason he kept getting in trouble. After every example he shared with me, I asked, “Well, did you apologize?” He says no, which makes me laugh. By the third situation, and I ask again with his same answer, he chuckles a little.
“I never thought about that.” He never thought to apologize for his actions before getting his balls beat in. Boys!! LOL, It’s so funny to be that someone would decide to band their balls till they turn black and fall off, but he didn’t consider apologizing?!
Then, oh, this is where it gets better. Throughout the call, he tells me, “Oh, it’s tight. How long will this take?”
I smile and tell him it will be ten to fourteen days before his pathetic balls drop off, and he seems worried and horrified. He thought it would take a few hours!
Um, so a bit of advice. Do your research before you as a wicked, devious woman to help you remove your balls. Once she starts, there is NO going back!
xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208