1 844 332 2639 ext 283 Pandora

Looking for discreet phone sex options? It’s sometimes hard to talk on the phone. Come to our phone sex chat room. (TLC phonesex.com hit chat) I can take care of you in a paid chat. You can type to me exactly what you need and I can fulfill your domination, Milf or Mommy fantasies and roleplays while we type back and forth. Too much reality is bad for anyone under any circumstances.

Dial and either listen or type for your discreet dick stroking pleasure.

There are secure private chat boxes to drop your info into, and daily free minute specials (if you get a silent call. )You can peruse through some of my sites here or here or here or here to get ideas and a feel for my sexy specialties. Just hit “home” to open the main blog roll. Find my most recent post, and open it. Click my name where it says “by Pandora “and the date to the left of the top of the photo. (This will pull up my individual blog roll.)

Sometimes you just need to sneak into the bathroom with your tablet and have your discreet phone sex time. Take a few minutes out of the day or night to find me. You can get all of the day’s frustrations out, and we can do whatever makes you the hardest.

If you can only listen, but prefer a more personal session, get a silent call. You can type me exactly what it is that you’re into, and then call me. Dial me and then listen or type for your discreet dick stroking pleasure. Keeping our session a secret from nosy wives or partners is simple.


Get a disposable gift card and DO NOT REGISTER IT. If you register it, I will need to ask the billing info to process our discreet sexy session!  Mastercard OR Visa only. Vanillas are the way to go. You must ALWAYS give the zip code where you purchased the card. Otherwise, it may decline.


1 844 332 2639 ext 283

