
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had prepared a special dinner for her naughty boy. She fixed all the trimmings, she even set the table, which she never ever does, as she always got her naughty boy to do it for her. She put so much time and effort into everything, by the time it was ready, she was exhausted.

Anna’s Naughty boy just can’t behave


Finally, she called her naughty boy down, as it was time to eat. He was so excited, her could barely contain himself. He ran down the stairs thumping each step and sliding into the kitchen almost knocking into Mommy Anna’s wooden kitchen table. ‘’Slow down!’’ Mommy Anna yelled. But the naughty boy was too happy to eat his favorite meal, he sat down right away.

Mommy Anna grabbed her long, hard wooden spoon and slapped the boy’s hands before they could even touch his silverware. ‘’You didn’t wash your hands!’’ said mommy Anna.

The Boy huffed and puffed and slowly screeched his chair as he pulled it out. ‘’Lift your chair young man!’’ Miss Anna said, quickly whipping his butt with her wooden spoon. ‘’Ow!’’ said the naughty boy, as he rubbed his bum cheeks through his jeans and began washing his hands at the kitchen sink.

When they sat down to eat, Mommy Anna asked her naughty boy how his day was at school. Just then, the phone rang. Her naughty boy proceeded to get up but Mommy Anna stopped him: ‘’SIT DOWN.’’ She said sternly without even looking up at him and while making his plate. The phone continued ringing.

And the naughty boy began to look stressed. He wiped the sweat from his brow and began fidgeting in his chair.  Mommy Anna passed him his full plate and gently placed a napkin over her lap. Then, the phone’s automated caller ID piped up: ‘’Applewood Public School… is calling!’’ Mommy Anna dropped her silverware making it clang against her plate. ‘’Why would the school be calling me?’’ ‘’I don’t know!’’ said the naughty boy. He knew he was in for it…


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203


