Secret Friend

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Everyone thinks you are the perfect Husband. Supportive, funny, not to mention handsome. Whenever there is a need in the community, you are there with helping hands to fill the void. Such a good man. From all of her social media posts, your wife has everyone convinced you’re a dotting Hubby. She really makes you look good; it’s kind of sad she couldn’t even fathom that you’ve been fucking your secret friend behind her back for years.

Secret Friend


No one knows the real you: no one but me. I know how dark and depraved your fantasies are. I know what a filthy piece of fucking filth you are on the inside when you take off that pretty liar of a mask. Do you ever get scared she’ll find out, and everything you’ve built to protect your secret will come crashing down on you to ruin your life?

I can’t imagine she would let you stay in the house or around the family. Her friends would humiliate her for being so naive and thinking you’d never cheat. All men cheat, eventually, somehow. She shouldn’t have put so much faith in a mere man—stupid woman.

Hopefully, you’ll keep pleasing me and making our secret fucking good enough for me to keep my mouth shut. Be a good boy and let your wife continue to live in foolish bliss as you mascaraed as the perfect partner.


Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208