too much

Phonesex with Felicity 844-332-2639 x 270

Once upon a time, I was considered too much. Too much mouth, too opinionated and too bitchy. To correct this, I tried to change. I dulled my words and attempted to be softer instead of harsh with my intentions. Do you know where these changes got me?

Walked on. Fed up and used. Like a piece of sexual flesh for my husband to jerk off with and then show off to his friends like a trophy. This was also too much, so I stopped.

Never Too Much


It was in this strange way that I found, I am far too powerful for most men to handle, but that is NOT my problem. It’s his. His worthless, cry baby, weak ass bitch, problem. I will never again bite my tongue to save a man from being humiliated in front of his peers.

I’ll never again kneel at a man’s feet because he is afraid to tame the woman in me. If he wishes to earn my submission then it will be just that. Earned. Through spilled bodily fluids and tears. And so much cash.

Can you reach inside of yourself and decide if I’m too much woman for you, or if you are just the right amount of man to play with a strong female like me?


Phonesex with Felicity 844-332-2639 x 270